Back then, Talon was young and single, and the village held no believers. Little did he know how much he would invest in this village. Little did he know how much the village would change.
A Young Man Answers the Lord’s Call
Full of courage and dedicated to the Lord’s service, Talon had entered Bible college in 2007 with a call on his life and fire in his soul. As part of his training, Talon joined a film ministry team visiting remote villages.
In one of these villages, the team stayed with Magni and Sala, a couple who had been married for 14 years but had been unable to have children. But perhaps the young ministers’ faith could make a difference in Magni and Sala’s lives. The couple requested prayer, and as the team prayed, Sala felt the power of God. Over the next six months, the team continued to encourage the couple and pray fervently for a miracle.
God answered their prayers and blessed Sala’s womb! Astonished, Magni and Sala embraced Christ’s love and became the first believers in this village.
After witnessing this miracle, many others in the village came to the team requesting prayer. They came with long-term sicknesses, demonic oppression, mental health struggles and other needs. They came for answers. They came for healing and deliverance. They came and experienced God’s restorative touch. As they did, the church began to grow, and so did Pastor Talon’s love for this community. He felt a profound burden to return after his graduation, to make these people his people and shepherd them in the ways of the Lord, to watch God continue the work He had begun in their lives and in their community.

God’s Faithfulness
In 2010, by God’s grace, Pastor Talon did just that. This time, he didn’t have the support of a team, but God still used him mightily. His love for God and for these people only grew deeper as he became part of the community. He continued to share Christ’s love with people in need and conduct prayer meetings. One after another, more people in the community found new life in Christ, and the church continued to grow.
God transformed lives—sometimes dramatically. Radu, for example, had once been a danger to the community. Mentally ill, he roamed the streets and sometimes attacked children or elderly people with stones or sharp tools. No one could contain his violent behavior. Then Pastor Talon prayed for Radu, and he was completely healed! Astounded by God’s power, many more people put their trust in God.
As the church grew, however, so did opposition. Some troublemakers persecuted homeowners who allowed the pastor to stay with them. Pastor Talon moved, but trouble followed him as he transferred from house to house.
Opposition Becomes an Opportunity
Opponents also prevented Pastor Talon from getting water from the local hand pump. How could he continue ministry if he couldn’t obtain such a basic essential?

But Pastor Talon wasn’t the only one in the community who struggled to access sufficient clean water. Recognizing the crucial need, Pastor Talon’s leaders arranged for three Jesus Wells to be constructed in the surrounding area.
What were the people to think? Here the pastor had been denied access to water, but then his ministry had provided water for the community, with no exceptions or exclusions. This water was free to all. Did he and his leaders really care that much, despite the mistreatment he had received?
The development catalyzed a change in Pastor Talon’s relationship with the community. Though some still opposed him, many people began to support him.
Pastor Talon became more ingrained in the community when he married Kadri in 2012. A local believer, Kadri had great zeal for the Lord’s work and great love for her people, who were more and more becoming Talon’s people, too.
Catastrophe struck the region in 2013 when a month of continuous rain brought flooding and landslides. Many people sought shelter in refugee camps as the waters tragically swept away loved ones, homes and belongings. Despair and loss loomed, but help and hope soon pushed them aside as nearby GFA pastors arrived with essentials such as groceries, medicine, blankets, mosquito nets and clothing. This relief work garnered immense respect and heartfelt gratitude from the people. Once again, Christ’s love shone through the compassion of His children, and it profoundly touched people’s hearts.
A Village Transformed

Fifteen years ago, this village held no believers. Now there are 150. Despite continued opposition and hardship, Pastor Talon’s ministry is thriving. By God’s grace, his rapidly growing congregation was able to construct their own church building. God has also used Pastor Talon to establish five small fellowships in the surrounding region.
Pastor Talon remains a man of faith and prayer. Nearly every day, people call him requesting prayer for various needs, and he intercedes for each one.
He and Kadri have two young sons, and the entire family serves in ministry together. Kadri leads the local Women’s Fellowship and encourages the women’s spiritual growth through prayer meetings, outreaches, house visits and other activities. She also helps local women in practical ways, such as teaching them how to sew, which can offer impoverished people an avenue for sustainable income.

Over the past decade and a half, God has transformed this community, and He continues to work through Pastor Talon and his disciples. This devoted minister has faithfully planted and nurtured seeds of God’s love, compassion and truth. God is supernaturally growing these seeds and changing lives.
Pastor Talon is just one of many national missionaries whom God is sending to remote villages. These national missionaries demonstrate a special love for the communities they serve, compassionately meeting urgent needs, both practical and spiritual. Through these brothers and sisters in Christ, God is transforming entire communities.
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